Longjing tea contains vitamin C, amino acids, gold, astatine, and, like most finer Chinese green teas, has high concentrations of catechins, which has nothing to do with cats.
Alishan Mountain Light
“From a distant land in the east, from across the sea…” – Shenmue
This is the dawn view from the Alishan mountain in Taiwan. Alishan is well known for its sunrises, and on a suitable morning one can observe the sun come up on a sea of clouds in the area between Alishan and Yüshan. The area is also famous for its production of high mountain tea and wasabi.
Underwater Teatime
Ein neues Foto was besonders viel Spass beim Shooting in Köln und in der Bildbearbeitung gemacht hat: Teezeit Unterwasser!
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Großen Dank an Bernd Funke fürs modeln.